
June 2012


Reducing the Risk of Rollovers

A tool is now available to help drivers avoid rollovers. The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) created a database that identifies rollover "hot spots" in 31 states. Drivers can search this interactive map to find rollover hotspots on their routes. Learn more about this tool and tips to share with your drivers to reduce the risk of rollovers. more >>

Navigating Rural Road Hazards

Your drivers are probably familiar with common hazards of highways, such as congestion, construction and distracted drivers. But what about rural roads? They might not seem as daunting but there are many hazards unique to rural roads that your drivers should be aware of.  more >>

Preventing Jackknifing Accidents

Losing control of any vehicle is scary. When it's a large truck, it can be deadly. In heavy traffic it can be fatal if the trailer slides out of control and hits other vehicles on the road. Help your drivers understand the various conditions that cause jackknifing and how to avoid it.  more >>

Save the Date: Claims & Safety Seminar

The biennial Claims & Safety Seminar, hosted by Baldwin & Lyons, will be held Monday, August 20, and Tuesday, August 21, at the JW Marriott Indianapolis. The seminar will focus on liability claims and driver retention, among other topics. For more information, please visit www.claimsandsafety.com. We look forward to seeing you there!



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Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.
1099 North Meridian Street, Suite 700 | Indianapolis, IN 46204
(800) 644-5501 | Fax: (317) 632-9444