IC Safety from Protective Insurance Company
April 2013 An exclusive publication for Protective's independent contractors
Staying fit on the road
By nature, people who drive a truck for a living have a sedentary lifestyle. You spend a majority of your time sitting behind the wheel with extended periods of inactivity. If you want to be healthy, you have to commit to being active in addition to making good food choices. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), regular physical activity can help:
• control weight
• reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers
• strengthen bones and muscles
• improve mental health and mood
• improve ability to perform daily activities and prevent falls
• increase chances of living longer
While being on the road may not seem conducive to working out, there are exercises you can do with little or no equipment during your breaks. Our downloadable exercise cards have some ideas to get started. You can mix and match movements and the number of reps, or times you perform each movement, during a workout. Ideally, you should aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes of physical activity each week, according to the CDC. This activity can be spread throughout the week as long as you are actively moving and getting your heart rate up for at least 10 minutes at a time.
There are also a growing number of businesses trying to help fill the void for truck drivers looking to stay in shape. For example, Snap Fitness is partnering with the wellness company Rolling Strong to open gyms at truck stops across the country. The first gym opened last year at a Flying J on Interstate 20 in Dallas, Texas. The next location will be in Knoxville, Tenn.
For $8.95 a month, you can access the Snap Fitness Rolling Strong gym any time, day or night. The membership also gives you access to more than 1,000 Snap Fitness locations in the U.S. and Canada, also open 24 hours. Visit www.sfrsgym.com for more information.
You will need to find what works best for you and commit to making it routine. Whether it's joining a 24-hour gym or working out near your truck on breaks, it's important to make time to be active. Being physically fit will help you live longer, control your weight, reduce your risk of various medical conditions and improve your mental health.
Free download: "Exercise Cards"
Print these cards and keep them in your vehicle for quick reference of exercises you can do while on the road. To request hard copies, email icsafety@protectiveinsurance.com. Download exercise cards >>
Exercise Cards


Join the WellCard Savings program for more health resources
Protective offers you the opportunity to participate in the WellCard Savings program. This free program helps offset the cost of medical expenses and includes access to an online health library with resources for dieting, exercising and overall wellness. Learn more and enroll >>